The journal publishes scientific and professional articles categorized according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia.
- Original scientific article contains original research that is not already previously published, expressed in an objectively verifiable way.
- Preliminary communication contains new results of (scientific) research that require prompt publishing. It does not have to enable the verification of the presented results.
- Review article has to be an original, concise and critical review of one area or part of the area, where the author is also actively involved. It has to be emphasized the author’s original contribution to the field in relation to the already published works, including an overview of those works.
- Conference article which has been previously presented at a conference has to be published in a form of a full article, but only in the case if is not already published in the conference proceedings.
- Professional article contains already known, published results of scientific research, which is focused on their practical application or on their dissemination (educational purpose). Professional article contains useful contributions from the field of profession that are not related to the author’s original research, and the presented observations do not need to be a novelty in the profession.
The author suggests the category of the article, but editor-in-chief, considering the judgment of two reviewers, will make the final decision of the categorization. In case of a need, editor-in-chief will consult more members of the editorial board
Kairos publishes article that are subject to the review processes and the article that do not need to go through the reviewing process (biography, essay, news, In memoriam, review, etc.).
The articles that are categorized as scientific or professional need to have positive reviews. Reviews are anonymous. Kairos will publish the articles without reviews that are of the relevant content for the evangelical Christianity, written professionally and in the accordance with the scientific writing rules and style.
The editorial board only accepts articles in English or Croatian that have not been previously published:
- Articles have to be submitted by e-mail in DOC and PDF format to the following address:
- Together with the article it is also necessary to submit the Application Form
- It is recommendable that the authors cite the articles compatible to their own subject of discussion that have been published in Kairos in the last five years. This represents an expression of collegiality to other authors and at the same time it contributes to the impact and relevance of the journal.
The editorial board will inform the author whether the article is accepted for the publishing or not. Once when the article is accepted for the publishing the author cannot publish the same article somewhere else without the permission of the editorial board of Kairos. The editorial board reserves the right to edit the article in accordance with the journal’s standards and in accordance with the linguistic standards of Croatian and English language.
Technical Instructions
- The recommended length of scientific and professional articles (including abstract, footnotes, bibliography and graphical illustrations) is not more than 8000 words.
- The title of the article, the name and surname of the author, the name and address of the employing institution, e-mail address and the abstract should be on the first page.
- The abstract should be between 100-200 words and it should present a general overview of the subject (the goal of the work), the methodology of the work, results and conclusion. It is necessary to single out to six key words. If the article is written in Croatian language it has to have the abstract written in Croatian at the beginning of the article and the abstract in English at the end of the article. The article written in English has to have the abstract written in English at the beginning of the article.
- It is recommended to the authors to refer to the sources in the text (in-text citation) and not in the footnotes. Every reference should be in the brackets, containing the surname of the author, year of publication and, for direct quotations, page number; e.g. (Johnson 1999, 21) or (Johnson 1999, 125-131). It is recommended that footnotes should be used exclusively for commenting or adding to what has been said in the text.
- The bibliography has to be placed at the end of the article and it should contain complete information about all the works cited in the references. All the references should be listed alphabetically, according to the surname of the author, and in chronological order for the works of the same author. If there are several works written by the same author that were published in the same year they should be differentiated by letters (a, b, c, etc.) and placed after the year of publication. If the work has several authors, all the authors should be listed.
Technical Design of the Article
- Format: A4
- Margins: all the margins 2,54 cm
- Font: Times New Roman
- Title: font size 16, bold, centered
- Below the title: the name and surname of the author (left side, font size 12, bold), the name of the institution, the author’s email address.
- Abstract and key words: italics, font size 12, single space, indented from left
- Text: font size 12, spacing 1.5, left alignment
- Footnotes: font size 10, single space
- Tables: font size 10, single space
- All the pages need to be numerated
- Quotations are identified with quotation marks (CRO: „…”; ENG: “…” ). In case of longer quotation (five lines or more), quotations are written as a separate paragraph (indented on both sides, justified, font size 11, single space)
Book review
Kairos publishes book reviews of the books published by Croatian or foreign publishers, published no more than two years prior, counting from the year when the book review will be published in Kairos. The length of a review should be from two to eight pages.
Although there are more ways of writing a book review every book review should contain general information, introduction, review of the work and conclusion.
- General information: the title contains basic bibliographic information: the name and surname of the author, title and subtitle of the book, the name of the editor (if there is one), the place of publication, publisher, year of publication, and the total number of pages. Some reviews could provide the information about the price of the book and ISBN number.
- Introduction: in the introductory part of the book review there should be presented some general information about the author, about the context and environment in which the book was written, about the type of the book according to its content and the author’s intentions, and it should be specified the theme and the thesis of the book.
- Synthetic review and evaluation of the book: this is the central and the most important part of the book review and it contains analysis, summary of the content of the book and evaluation of the book.
- Conclusion: the reviewer summarizes his/her review of the book as a whole, points out its positive and negative sides, assesses its scientific and theological contribution and he/she recommends it or does not recommend it to the potential readers.
It is recommended that the introductory part should be about a quarter of the text, synthetic review together with the summary of the author’s key ideas about two quarters of the text and the concluding evaluation of the book about a quarter of the text.
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